Party Member's Political Birthday
20th May, 2024 is a special day for young party member Zhong Xinyue, which marks the third anniversary of her joining the Party. On this sacred and glorious day, the Second Party Branch of Anqing Foreign Language School’s General Branch Committee celebrated a special political birthday for her.
First and foremost, the simple and solemn political birthday ceremony was held in the office of Principal Assistant Xu Zuitai, commissary in charge of organization of the Second Party Branch, who is also in charge of the Senior High School Division.
In addition, Comrade Xu Zuitai presented a political birthday card to Comrade Zhong Xinyue and renewed the oath of joining the Party with her. On the other hand, Comrade Xu Haihong extended cordial greetings to Comrade Zhong Xinyue on behalf of the Second Party Branch!
Furthermore, Comrade Zhong Xinyue expressed excitedly that she would never forget this political birthday. More noticeably, she would bear in mind the original mission, strengthen her ideals and convictions, practice the purposes of the Party, and work hard to strive for greater glory for the Party and the people!
To conclude, the Second Party Branch sends a political birthday card to each member on the day they join the Party! Evidently, greeting cards represent cordial greetings and deep expectations!